Le mécénat est un soutien financier, humain ou matériel apporté sans contrepartie directe par une entreprise à une action ou activité d’intérêt général (solidarité, environnement, culture, recherche…).
Comment devenir Mécène de notre association humanitaire ?
L’entreprise peut faire un don direct. Dans ce cas elle bénéficie d’une déduction de 60% des sommes versées de son impôt sur les sociétés.
Le soutien peut également passer par la fondation de l’entreprise si elle en a créée une.
Enfin l’entreprise peut accorder un don en nature :
• Soit en donnant des produits qui alimentent nos ventes
• Soit en mettant à notre disposition un salarié dans le cadre d’un partenariat.
L’ensemble de ces systèmes concourent à donner à l’entreprise une place dans la Cité. Ils sont partie intégrante de sa Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE).
Avec les financements publics, le mécénat couvre 20 % de notre budget environs.
Appel à nos adhérents, bénévoles et sympathisants
Vous connaissez des entreprises qui ont développé ces types d’aide aux associations ? Vous êtes salarié d’une entreprise qui possède une cellule RSE ou une Fondation ? N’hésitez pas à nous aider à rentrer en contact avec elle.
Découvrez nos dernières actualités en rapport avec le mécénat
Individual or collective
Sponsoring a child consists in financing his or her schooling, paying for his or her school supplies, clothes, and basic necessities. Learn more.
Sponsoring a child in Vietnam.
Why sponsor a child in Vietnam?
Sponsorship is concrete, simple and personalised assistance that a sponsor gives to a child or adolescent.
For more information, click here.
For whom?
Sponsorship at Enfance Partenariat Vietnam (EPVN) is offered to all the children we support:
Those who live in the orphanages we renovate.
- Those from very poor families who are welcomed for the day in the social centres where we work.
By whom?
Any individual, of age or represented by an adult, who is a member of EPVN, can become a sponsor.
A group of people (a class or a company for example) can also become a sponsor. However, one of the people in the group must be a member of EPVN and the group’s donations must go through him or her.
EPVN offers 2 types of sponsorship:
individual sponsorship
collective sponsorship
These two types of sponsorship have common characteristics:
The need for long-term support.
A guarantee of improved living conditions for the child
- school fees are covered
- health costs are covered
- An open door to a better future life thanks to the level of education reached.
EPVN’s guarantee that in the event of difficulties obliging the sponsor to stop sponsoring, the child will continue to benefit from the sponsorship using the association’s own funds.
In addition, if you choose individual sponsorship:
- You can put a name on your donation.
- You can create a strong relationship with your sponsored child through correspondence.
- The child becomes a representative of his community for you.
Individual or collective sponsorship?
Individual sponsorship enables the sponsor to have a privileged relationship with a specific child :
He or she will receive 2 to 3 letters per year from this child (letters most often sent by email and translated by our sponsorship correspondent in Vietnam).
The donation finances the schooling, school supplies, clothes, and meals. The cost is 25 euros per month.
If you choose collective sponsorship, your donation will be divided between a small group of children so that they can access the school canteen and receive a uniform once a year. This also finances hygiene products such as shampoo, etc. For collective sponsorship EPVN does not require a fixed sum, the amount of the donation is up to you.
The president of EPVN visits every sponsored child twice a year and brings letters and gifts !
EPVN works throughout Vietnam.
Individual sponsorship:
Vung Tau
Long Hai
Kontum (2 villages)
Bac Giang
Thanh Kim
Hanoi 4
Collective sponsorship:
Bac Giang
Become a sponsor:
Are you interested?
Testimony of a member who participated in the annual visit of the sites where EPVN develops its actions.
(…) « On site, it was great to be postmen and Santa!
– First as postmen, we delivered the sponsors’ letters to the children. I can assure you that they eagerly awaited this news, so excited to communicate with people living so far away and interested in their daily lives, and overjoyed to hear about their benefactors and their families! (…)
– Then we played Santa, each child was given a gift. Our manager in Vietnam and our local correspondent helped us to buy presents (school bags, pencils, dolls, notepads…) and we also gave out toys that the President of EPVN had collected throughout the year in France. So in Vietnam every evening, we had to review our boxes of gifts for the next day’s visit, and that’s when we said to ourselves: being Santa, it’s not an easy job! The distribution of gifts was a great pleasure for the children and for us, it was really Christmas !